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Trebol Soccer Club

Trebol Soccer Club

Senior Tryouts for the Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 Seasons
(Birth Year 2006 - Birth Year 2000)

May 29th - June 1st, 2018

Registration Required!!!

Tryouts represent an opportunity for the Technical Staff to assess the current level of development of players. Based on the results of the tryout, previous coach evaluations, and input and observations from the Technical Staff, players will be placed on a team that best suits their level of development.

 All players MUST attend the tryout sessions based on the schedule for their year of birth. 

 If a player wants to be considered for “playing up”, the following steps MUST be undertaken:

 1.     Notify Director of Coaching, in writing, that the player wishes to be considered as a candidate to play up. The Technical Staff and Team Coaches will make a determination as to whether or not the player is a candidate to play up.

 2.     If the player is granted an opportunity to tryout for an older team, he/she MUST also attend at least one tryout session of their birth year team.

 A player is considered a good candidate to “play up” if it is determined by our Technical Staff they are among the top 5 players on the team they wish to play up on. Example: If a 13U wants to play on the 14U team, the 13U must be among the top 5 players on the 14U team. 

 This is the only criteria Trebol SC will use to allow players to play up.

 The tryouts will consist of two sessions over two days (see schedule). We ask that players attend both sessions to give us the best opportunity to assess the player, and to allow the player to show themselves in the most positive light.

Mark Harrison Director of Coaching [email protected]

Tryout Dates and Location

Dawson School Upper Fields and Fieldhouse

10455 Dawson Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026


 Girls Tryout Dates and Times
 Birth Year Dates Time
2006 Tues. May 29
Wed. May 30
5:30 - 7:00 pm
4:00 - 5:15 pm
2005/2004 Thurs. May 31
Fri. June 1
4:00 - 5:15 pm
5:30 - 7:00 pm
2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Thurs. May 31
Fri. June 1
5:30 - 7:00 pm
4:00 - 5:15 pm

Boys  Tryout Dates and Times
 Birth Year Dates Time
2006  Tues. May 29
Weds. May 30
5:30 - 7:00 pm
4:00 - 5:15 pm
2005  Thurs. May 31
Fri. June 1
4:00 - 5:15 pm
5:30 - 7:00 pm
2004 Secondary  Thurs. May 31
Fri. June 1
 4:00 - 5:15 pm
 5:30 - 7:00 pm

High school players play club soccer in the opposite season of the high school season. Girls teams play club in the fall and will tryout in May. Boys teams play club soccer in the spring and will try out in October.

*** 2004 Birth Year Boys who are going into 8th grade will tryout on May 31st and June 1st and will be placed on a secondary season team for the fall 2018 season. They will tryout again in October and will be placed on a team for the spring 2019 season. ***

We cannot attend any tryout dates. What do we need to do?

From the website, please use your family account (or create an account) and register your players. When completing registration, there will be a comments section where you can make note of their absence for tryouts. ALL PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED IN ORDER TO BE PLACED ON A TEAM!

Please contact Mark Harrison, Director of Coaching, at [email protected] to make alternate arrangements. Please include your player's name, birth year, and family contact information so they can be accounted for during the tryout process.

Volunteers Needed to Assist During Tryouts

May 29th - June 1st

Dawson Upper Fieldhouse

Volunteers are needed to help provide an efficient and positive experience for all families during tryouts. Please consider volunteering your time for a shift. 

Please click on the Sign Up Genius Volunteer Form to choose your slot.

Thank you!

Register Now!

No Programs Available

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Trebol Soccer Club
1021 E. South Boulder Road, Suite M
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Phone: 720-876-2237
Email: [email protected]

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