In 1995, through the efforts of Pancho Hansen and local parents, the Trebol Soccer Club formed and competed within the framework of the City of Lafayette's recreation program in Boulder County as a more competitive option for recreation players. In the spring of 1995, the Trebol Soccer Club began its split from the city as it became apparent the club's vision of "traveling teams", more focused training, and a higher competition level of play conflicted with the city's vision to provide every child a place to play. By the fall of 1996, the Trebol Soccer Club was independent of the City of Lafayette Recreation Department and was incorporated in February of 1997 with a Board of Directors. The club felt there was a need and a purpose to provide the children of Boulder County, and the surrounding communities, a place to play soccer in a healthy and nurturing environment. In December of 1997 the club received its non-profit status as a 501c3 corporation.